Opera and Safari installation [closed]
How do I install Opera and Safari on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32 bit? Can anyone help? Opera I downloaded but could not get it installed. On the other hand I did not try Safari, even I don't have any idea if Safari has a version for Ubuntu.
Solution 1:
Safari doesn't have Linux version. But you can run it using Wine. First install Wine.
sudo apt-get install -y wine
Then create, download and build directory.
mkdir -p ~/build/safari
cd ~/build/safari
Download Safari ( version for windows)
wget http://appldnld.apple.com/Safari5/041-5487.20120509.INU8B/SafariSetup.exe
Open using wine.
wine SafariSetup.exe
Solution 2:
- The latest version of Opera 27 is only for 64-bit systems. If you want to use Opera you should choose an older version:
Opera 12.16 download link for 32-bit Linux
UPDATE: Opera restored 32-bit Linux support since Opera 35: Opera 35 32 bit
Browse Opera official site for necessary packages.
- Safari doesn't have Linux version.You cannot run it natively in Ubuntu.