How to pronounce or hyphenate the word 'value'? [closed]

Should it be val-ue or va-lue?

Is there a rule for this kind of thing?

Solution 1:

The relevant rule here is: if there is a reasonable alternative, do not hyphenate a word after a short vowel. So val-ue.

The hyphenation rules for English are very complicated, and some of the ones Merriam-Webster uses for American English (e.g., fair-ies but prai-ries) depend on pronunciations which are 100 years out of date. The only reasonable thing to do is to use a dictionary.

Solution 2:

The direct answer to your question is that it is val–ue.

The reasons for how to hyphenate English are really quite complex, and indeed can sometimes vary depending on whether you’re cispondian or transpondian.

And yes, there are rules for these things, more complicated than I can spell out here. The best thing you can do is to consult a hyphenation dictionary, or to run a program than implements Knuth–Liang.

I can probably dig up references for you in a moment.