Setting Up Git Repository on Remote Windows Server?

These days there is a "smart HTTP" upload feature, might even supersede the SSH access. No more private key generating is required, and installing should be easier, because the server component can be written in any language of choice:

  • Running a Git server with IIS 7 and .NET 4: or
  • Running a Git server via Python:
  • Running a Git server via Python using git-http-backend :
  • Running a Git server via Ruby:

If all fails, you can also choose to setup an Apache server, and use the standard git-http-backend CGI binary, see: What are the steps to setup git-http-backend w/ Apache on Windows?

You could look into using Cygwin + SSH + Gitosis to serve those needs, but unfortunately it will not be a simple point-and-click setup process. I have written a detailed blog post on my recent experiences (including setup procedure).

As for your requirement for this to be a primarily graphical experience, I would recommend all your client systems have TortoiseGit installed. This will prevent the need for using the command line for adding, commiting, push/pulling and so on.