VSCode: enable or disable editor tabs modified since last git commit, show git status with modified tabs colors

Solution 1:

v1.53 has added this functionality, see Release notes: tab decorations.

Two new settings allow you to configure whether editor tabs show decorations, such as git status or diagnostics. Use workbench.editor.decorations.colors to decorate tabs with colors, like red/green for files with errors and warnings, and use workbench.editor.decorations.badges to decorate tabs with badges, like M for git modified.

Previously : [These are not enabled by default.]

Edit : Note that these are scheduled to be turned on by default as of v1.55. so if you want to turn this feature off, disable


or these settings in the UI

Workbench > Editor > Decorations: Colors
Workbench > Editor > Decorations: Badges

tab decorations demo

The colorCustomizations gitDecoration....

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {

    "gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground": "#ff0000",

work to change BOTH the Explorer view and tab colors.