Airplay from Ubuntu 14.10 to Speakers

Takkat provided the answer as a comment, so I am writing this "answer" to close out my question. Basically, AirPlay is not currently functioning with Pulseaudio without hack. BUT if DLNA is available on your speakers, which they are on any old Android phone connected to speakers, you can do this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qos/pulseaudio-dlna
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-dlna

NOTE: the last command turns it on

NOTE2: dependencies for pulseaudio-dlna are listed here

Then you can open either PulseAudioVolumeControl, or just Settings>Volume and select your device.

I'm using BubbleUPnP on my Android. Please note that you need to turn on BubbleUPnP on the Android before you start pulseaudio-dlna, else it won't be able to see the renderer.