Passwordless and keyless SSH guest access

What you're looking for is anonymous SSH access. I found an article for SFTP, which applies to SSH too, if you leave out SFTP-specific stuff:

  1. Create a new user:

    adduser --disabled-password anonymous
  2. Make the password actually empty:

    sed -i -re 's/^anonymous:[^:]+:/anonymous::/' /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
  3. Allow blank passwords for SSH sessions in PAM: edit /etc/pam.d/sshd and replace the line that reads @include common-auth with:

    auth [success=1 default=ignore] nullok
    auth requisite
    auth required
  4. Allow blank passwords for SSH sessions of anonymous in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

    Match user anonymous
        PermitEmptyPasswords yes
  5. Restart sshd:

    initctl restart ssh

I didn't try it myself, but it looks plausible, since my first thought for the culprit was PAM.