How to go truly Flash-free in Mac OS X?

Solution 1:

I use ClickToPlugin, which converts some Flash videos to HTML5 (this has the added benefit of letting you download them by right-clicking and choosing Download Video). It works for YouTube, at least, and for the videos on the second and third webpages you linked (though not the first).

Solution 2:

Have you tried ClickToFlash and HUDTube? HUDTube works with 99% of the videos on YouTube, even the ones C2F misses.

Solution 3:

If you truly want to go flash free, then use Safari, possibly in conjunction with an extension like Youtube5, which should handle some embeds that don't do html5 properly. However you're never going to get 100% of videos working. For one thing, while a majority of "flash video" is indeed a flash app playing h264 video, some of it is in other formats that Safari can't handle, including some wrapped in DRM.

You have to make a choice - do you want zero flash, or do you want a way to watch all videos? At the moment you can't have both, sorry.