Word for not yet cashed loss or gain of money from a investment

I invested in crypto and I (currently) have an unrealized profit of $50.

unrealized (adj.)

Not turned into cash by sale

the stock's unrealized gains

That brings his personal unrealized gains to over $840 million. — Chris Morris, Fortune, 29 Nov. 2021 m-w

Not converted into money.

unrealized property assets

But if we are right on the analysis and willing to sit tight, we will eventually recover unrealized losses and make money. Lexico

What is an unrealized gain/loss?

You’re probably already familiar with the concept of gains and losses. But here’s a quick review: A gain is when your investment – let’s say a stock – increases in value after you purchase it. A loss is when the stock decreases in value after your purchase.

Until you actually sell the investment, your gains or losses are simply numbers on a piece of paper.

Unrealized gains/losses aren’t “locked in.” This means that if you’re holding onto assets with unrealized losses, it’s possible for them to become unrealized gains when the market is having a good week. Or vice versa.

"Realized vs. Unrealized Gains and Losses: What’s the Difference?"; marcus.com

An unrealized, or "paper" gain or loss is a theoretical profit or deficit that exists on balance, resulting from an investment that has not yet been sold for cash. Chris Gallant; 'How are realized profits different from unrealized or so-called "paper" profits?'
(Added to capture the suggestion made by Yosef Baskin in a comment)