I can't open Cypress on Mac: Cypress not found

I tried the following command on my Mac and it worked:

npx cypress open

I've been trying what you are using and experimented a bit: ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open works fine by me (note the forward slashes instead of the backward slashes)

.node_modules/.bin/cypress open does not work for me (note that this is the command you use in the video, but with the replaces slashes). In your question on stackoverflow you use an extra / before the node_modules, but in your video you don't.

What also should be a possibility is opening cypress via the OSX Launcher and then selecting the automation directory.

This is correct and logical. In your case, on macOS, You are not installing cypress globally or adding its path in the path variable either. Therefore, if you will write cypress run it will not work and you would have to give the reference that from where it should pick it. i.e. ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open

npx cyress install worked for me

Try to run

npm install 

then try to run it again.