Is reverberate a dialogue tag? [closed]

Just like the title say and here are the examples:
“Took you long enough.” Without warning, her voice reverberated from my side.
“Ngh! Phew… Oh no!” A voice reverberated from the crash site and footsteps drew closer to me.

I think the second one can get away without being a dialogue tag, but... what about the first one?
Thank you in advance.

Reverberate (Lexico):

1 no object, usually with adverbial (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo.

‘her deep booming laugh reverberated around the room’

1.1 (of a place) appear to vibrate because of a loud noise.

‘the hall reverberated with laughter’

1.2 archaic with object Return or re-echo (a sound)

‘oft did the cliffs reverberate the sound’

2 no object, usually with adverbial Have continuing and serious effects.

‘the statements by the professor reverberated through the Capitol’

Making your sentences into dialogue tags indicates that reverberate is not a substitute for said.

“Took you long enough,” she reverberated.
“Ngh! Phew… Oh no!” reverberated the voice.