When publisher confirms are enabled, queue length limit is set and overflow is set to reject-publish,why cause in confirm callback I received is null?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, the AMQP protocol and Java client provides no information about why a publish failed. Only ack/nack and whether the confirmation is for multiple messages:

 * Implement this interface in order to be notified of Confirm events.
 * Acks represent messages handled successfully; Nacks represent
 * messages lost by the broker.  Note, the lost messages could still
 * have been delivered to consumers, but the broker cannot guarantee
 * this.
 * For a lambda-oriented syntax, use {@link ConfirmCallback}.
public interface ConfirmListener {
    void handleAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        throws IOException;

    void handleNack(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        throws IOException;

We added the cause because, in some circumstances, the framework synthesizes a nack (for example when a channel is closed while we are waiting for confirmations, where we add Channel closed by application as the cause.

The framework can't speculate the reason for which we got a nack from the broker.