Call recorder not working in android 10 (Q)

Solution 1:

It's possible using Accessibility Service.

Remote call recorder and BoldBeast both record perfectly both side voice in Android 10 (Pixel 3A) without having to root or being a system app. Both of them use Accessibility service.

Detailed info here in this link.

Solution 2:

As per Google's new permission policy no other third party apps (Except system apps) can record calls from Android 9 Pie.

This change will not affect previous recordings or call recording in general.

Solution 3:

I am using Realme2pro device having version android 10 it is working for me by using Accessibility try this code

To implement Accessibility go through this link

public class Accessibility extends AccessibilityService {

Service mService = null;

public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {
    Log.d("MyAccessibilityService", "Shrinidhi: onAccessibilityEvent");

public void onInterrupt() {


protected void onServiceConnected() {
    Log.d("MyAccessibilityService", "Shrinidhi: onServiceConnected");

public void onCreate() {
    this.mService = this;
    Log.d("MyAccessibilityService", "Shrinidhi: onCreate");

and add AudioSource to recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION);

 recorder = new MediaRecorder();

Hope it work :)