An equivalent to computed properties using @Published in Swift Combine?

Solution 1:

You don't need to do anything for computed properties that are based on @Published properties. You can just use it like this:

class UserManager: ObservableObject {
  var currentUser: User?

  var userIsLoggedIn: Bool {
    currentUser != nil

What happens in the @Published property wrapper of currentUser is that it will call objectWillChange.send() of the ObservedObject on changes. SwiftUI views don't care about which properties of @ObservedObjects have changed, it will just recalculate the view and redraw if necessary.

Working example:

class UserManager: ObservableObject {
  var currentUser: String?

  var userIsLoggedIn: Bool {
    currentUser != nil

  func logOut() {
    currentUser = nil

  func logIn() {
    currentUser = "Demo"

And a SwiftUI demo view:

struct ContentView: View {

  var userManager = UserManager()

  var body: some View {
    VStack( spacing: 50) {
      if userManager.userIsLoggedIn {
        Text( "Logged in")
        Button(action: userManager.logOut) {
          Text("Log out")
      } else {
        Text( "Logged out")
        Button(action: userManager.logIn) {
          Text("Log in")

Solution 2:

Create a new publisher subscribed to the property you want to track.

@Published var speed: Double = 88

lazy var canTimeTravel: AnyPublisher<Bool,Never> = {
        .map({ $0 >= 88 })

You will then be able to observe it much like your @Published property.

private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    sourceOfTruthObject.$canTimeTravel.sink { [weak self] (canTimeTravel) in
        // Do something…
    .store(in: &subscriptions)

Not directly related but useful nonetheless, you can track multiple properties that way with combineLatest.

@Published var threshold: Int = 60

@Published var heartData = [Int]()

/** This publisher "observes" both `threshold` and `heartData`
 and derives a value from them.
 It should be updated whenever one of those values changes. */
lazy var status: AnyPublisher<Status,Never> = {
       .map({ threshold, heartData in
           // Computing a "status" with the two values
           Status.status(heartData: heartData, threshold: threshold)
       .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)

Solution 3:

You could declare a PassthroughSubject in your ObservableObject:

class ReactiveUserManager1: ObservableObject {

    //The PassthroughSubject provides a convenient way to adapt existing imperative code to the Combine model.
    var objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void,Never>()


And in the didSet (willSet could be better) of your @Published var you will use a method called send()

class ReactiveUserManager1: ObservableObject {

    //The PassthroughSubject provides a convenient way to adapt existing imperative code to the Combine model.
    var objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void,Never>()

    @Published private(set) var currentUser: User? {
    willSet {
        userIsLoggedIn = currentUser != nil


You can check it in the WWDC Data Flow Talk

Solution 4:

How about using downstream?

lazy var userIsLoggedInPublisher: AnyPublisher = $currentUser
                                          .map{$0 != nil}

In this way, the subscription will get element from upstream, then you can use sink or assign to do the didSet idea.