Where to put global rules validation in DDD

Solution 1:

Most of the times it is best to place these kind of rules in Specification objects. You can place these Specifications in your domain packages, so anybody using your domain package has access to them. Using a specification, you can bundle your business rules with your entities, without creating difficult-to-read entities with undesired dependencies on services and repositories. If needed, you can inject dependencies on services or repositories into a specification.

Depending on the context, you can build different validators using the specification objects.

Main concern of entities should be keeping track of business state - that's enough of a responsibility and they shouldn't be concerned with validation.


public class User
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Two specifications:

public class IdNotEmptySpecification : ISpecification<User>
    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(User subject)
        return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject.Id);

public class NameNotTakenSpecification : ISpecification<User>
    // omitted code to set service; better use DI
    private Service.IUserNameService UserNameService { get; set; } 

    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(User subject)
        return UserNameService.NameIsAvailable(subject.Name);

And a validator:

public class UserPersistenceValidator : IValidator<User>
    private readonly IList<ISpecification<User>> Rules =
        new List<ISpecification<User>>
                new IdNotEmptySpecification(),
                new NameNotEmptySpecification(),
                new NameNotTakenSpecification()
                // and more ... better use DI to fill this list

    public bool IsValid(User entity)
        return BrokenRules(entity).Count() == 0;

    public IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(User entity)
        return Rules.Where(rule => !rule.IsSatisfiedBy(entity))
                    .Select(rule => GetMessageForBrokenRule(rule));

    // ...

For completeness, the interfaces:

public interface IValidator<T>
    bool IsValid(T entity);
    IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(T entity);

public interface ISpecification<T>
    bool IsSatisfiedBy(T subject);


I think Vijay Patel's earlier answer is in the right direction, but I feel it's a bit off. He suggests that the user entity depends on the specification, where I belief that this should be the other way around. This way, you can let the specification depend on services, repositories and context in general, without making your entity depend on them through a specification dependency.


A related question with a good answer with example: Validation in a Domain Driven Design.

Eric Evans describes the use of the specification pattern for validation, selection and object construction in chapter 9, pp 145.

This article on the specification pattern with an application in .Net might be of interest to you.

Solution 2:

I would not recommend disallowing to change properties in entity, if it's a user input. For example, if validation did not pass, you can still use the instance to display it in user interface with validation results, allowing user to correct the error.

Jimmy Nilsson in his "Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns" recommends to validate for a particular operation, not just for persisting. While an entity could be successfully persisted, the real validation occurs when an entity is about to change it's state, for example 'Ordered' state changes to 'Purchased'.

While creating, the instance must be valid-for-saving, which involves checking for uniqueness. It's different from valid-for-ordering, where not only uniqueness must be checked, but also, for example, creditability of a client, and availability at the store.

So, validation logic should not be invoked on a property assignments, it should be invoked upon aggregate level operations, whether they are persistent or not.

Solution 3:

Edit: Judging from the other answers, the correct name for such a 'domain service' is specification. I've updated my answer to reflect this, including a more detailed code sample.

I'd go with option 3; create a domain service specification which encapsulates the actual logic that performs the validation. For example, the specification initially calls a repository, but you could replace it with a web service call at a later stage. Having all that logic behind an abstract specification will keep the overall design more flexible.

To prevent someone from editing the name without validating it, make the specification a required aspect of editing the name. You can achieve this by changing the API of your entity to something like this:

public class User
    public string Name { get; private set; }

    public void SetName(string name, ISpecification<User, string> specification)
        // Insert basic null validation here.

        if (!specification.IsSatisfiedBy(this, name))
            // Throw some validation exception.

        this.Name = name;

public interface ISpecification<TType, TValue>
    bool IsSatisfiedBy(TType obj, TValue value);

public class UniqueUserNameSpecification : ISpecification<User, string>
    private IUserRepository repository;

    public UniqueUserNameSpecification(IUserRepository repository)
        this.repository = repository;

    public bool IsSatisfiedBy(User obj, string value)
        if (value == obj.Name)
            return true;

        // Use this.repository for further validation of the name.

Your calling code would look something like this:

var userRepository = IoC.Resolve<IUserRepository>();
var specification = new UniqueUserNameSpecification(userRepository);

user.SetName("John", specification);

And of course, you can mock ISpecification in your unit tests for easier testing.