'You had Konklin [name] killed'. What does it mean? [migrated]

I've heard this in a movie called The Bourne Supremacy. I am not really good with English so can anybody help me out?

What does 'You had Konklin killed' mean?
By the way, Konklin is just a character's name

This structure is called passive causative.

The form is: ["have/get" + object + past participle]

The meaning is to cause or arrange for someone else to do something, and not do it yourself.

Some examples:

  1. I had the house painted.
  2. I got my hair done.
  3. I had your office cleaned.

In these examples, I arranged for painters to paint my house, I asked my barber to cut my hair, and I told the cleaning staff to clean your office.

In your example, it means, "You arranged for someone to kill Konklin", which probably means you hired an assassin to kill Konklin, or put out a contract on Konklin's life.