Difference between ls -l and ll?

Solution 1:

This is located in your .bashrc:

alias ll='ls -al'

By taking a look at the manual pages for the command ls, you can see what those two attributes accomplish together:

  1. -a: do not ignore entries starting with ..
  2. -l: use a long listing format.

So you can understand that ls -l would ignore any entry starting with .. That's their only difference.


Let me note, that, as commented, the ll alias differs from installation to installation. In case you are wondering what's yours, please open up a terminal and enter:

alias ll

This will show you how ll is set. You can then look up the additional attributes by typing:

man ls

Solution 2:

ll is a common alias for ls -l. It is a part of the default .bashrc, with a couple more options:

$ grep 'alias ll' /etc/skel/.bashrc
alias ll='ls -alF'