Android Studio Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed

I have a problem with Android Studio, when I run AVD on the event log information it always says

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkBindBufferMemory2 not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkBindImageMemory2 not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkCmdSetDeviceMask not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkCmdDispatchBase not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2 not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2 not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkGetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2 not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkTrimCommandPool not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkCreateSamplerYcbcrConversion not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkDestroySamplerYcbcrConversion not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkCreateDescriptorUpdateTemplate not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkDestroyDescriptorUpdateTemplate not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkUpdateDescriptorSetWithTemplate not found

11:17 Emulator: VK_VERSION_1_1 check failed: vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport not found

11:17 Emulator: createOrGetGlobalVkEmulation: Warning: Vulkan 1.1 APIs missing from device

11:18 Emulator: deleteSnapshot: for default_boot

enter image description here

I have solved my problem by adapting this:

It's a work around rather than a solution

# Here's how to disable Vulkan apps to talk to the emulator.

# Add the following lines to ~/.android/advancedFeatures.ini (create this file if it doesn't exist already):

Vulkan = off
GLDirectMem = on

My sistem:

  • Linux Kernel: 5.4.6-2-MANJARO
  • Android Q (10.0)
  • Emulator 29.3.5

Run into the same issue and here how I solve this, Launch Android Virtual Device with android studio puzzled me a lot, post my actions here just as a reference.

  1. Uninstall latest Radeon GPU drive(Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.10.2 Optional)
  2. Install the latest Recommended drive(Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.9.2 Recommended (WHQL))
  3. Enable the Windows Hypervisor Platform feature(Reference).

now you can run x86 images in AVD.

And, don't know if some info related to this, since these words always are shown together, I also paste here.

  1. Using AMD RYZEN 3700X and AMD Radeon 5700XT hardware.
  2. enabled CPU Virtualization (called AMD-V) in BIOS(Reference)
  3. Disabled Hyper-v in turn windows features on or off (distinguish from Windows Hypervisor Platform above, they are quite different things)
  4. Using the latest android studio(version 3.5.1)