Ubuntu eye strain problem?

Hi I saw lots of posts here regarding Ubuntu eye strain issue. But none could answer my question. I use Intel i5 processor, AMD radeon Graphics card.

When I use my Win 7, there is no issue with my eyes for long time, but as soon as I use Ubuntu for even less than 1.5 or 2 hours, it makes my eyes dull. It makes eye strain, causes dryness of eyes.


When I try the xrand -r 120, it says that the refresh rate is not available for the size.

I use a sony vaio 15 inch led laptop

  1. Don't use an overly bright wallpaper for your desktop. Select a less bright wallpaper, like the default Ubuntu wallpaper for better contrast between the open window(s) and the wallpaper.

  2. Don't autohide the Launcher so that it will be there when you need it. Only put the most frequently used icons in the Launcher so you won't have to search through too many Launcher icons to find the icon you need.

  3. Use an LED monitor or screen. It's brighter, the colors are better, and it's easier on the eyes. Whether you are using a desktop or a laptop, use a screen that's a comfortable size for you.

  4. Close all the window curtains and blinds and turn off the lights when you're using the computer.

  5. Continuation of 4. -- Learn to touch type. It's distracting to have to look at the keyboard while you're typing.

  6. If you can touch type and you're using a desktop computer, use an ergonomic keyboard to help you know what keys your fingers are on without looking at the keyboard.

I experienced eye strain when I switched to ubuntu from windows. I am using HP-250 g3 notebook with intel HD graphics. Reducing the gamma makes the screen look more soothing to the eyes.

xgamma -gamma 0.7

You can set gamma anywhere between 0 and 1, but 0.7 seemed optimal in my case.

Not sure what your talking about, but, maybe this will help:

f.lux is a computer program developed by Michael and Lorna Herf. It adjusts a computer display's color temperature according to its location and time of day, based on a user specified set of longitude and latitude geographical coordinates, a ZIP Code, or a city name.

Install by typing this into your terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kilian/f.lux
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fluxgui

You will see an icon appear in the unity-panel after a restart. Click and configure your timezone.

I can confirm there is a severe eye strain on debian based systems (not sure about others) and it is not the cause of UI elements (color temperature, font sizes, etc), rather there is something else.

One of the solutions which could work for some is monitor/panel back-light PWM Frequency adjustment as explained by the following: http://devbraindom.blogspot.lt/2013/03/eliminate-led-screen-flicker-with-intel.html

However, although I was able to set backlight and get my laptop's panel specifications to set the right maximum frequency, solution didn't solve the underlying eye strain issue. And unfortunately this just brings me down to the conclusion that linux is not good DESKTOP OPERATING SYSTEM, as the human-machine interaction element is inadequate, due to its main focus not on user, but rather specific functionalities and community ethos. Luckily, windows 10 is moving towards direction where it will allow to use its great DESKTOP OPERATING SYSTEM and access great functionalities of linux. While mac os x is perhaps the top of the mountain for those who want unix functionalities and top desktop experience.