Can't find ALL wireless networks, just my neighbours

Been playing with live discs since 10.10 but now have gone ahead and dual booted.

I have a Acer 5742z with a Nplify 802.11b/g/n wireless connection.

The install went well and drivers seem to be working.

BUT, although wireless detects some local networks it doesn't find mine.

I have WPA-PSK security on my modem, could this be the problem??

I don't want to change my modem settings as all my other WIFI devices are contected to it.

So I need help in finding my home network. A step by step guide would be useful. I am using Windows 7 now to write this but would love it if I could use Ubuntu online.

I only can when I connect an Ethernet cable.

Thanks in advance.

Solution 1:

The problem with 11.04 is that some drivers no longer support (2.4 GHz) channels above 11. You may find that you need to change the channel to 11 or less.