Password Self-serve Active Directory via LAMP environment

I would like to be able to change active directory passwords via a Linux/Apache based webpage. This would be a self serve web page for the user. I have SSL-LDAP setup on the Active Directory to make this happen. Is there any project or code out there that will do this?

I've looked at this phpadadmin and I cannot get it to work. I think this is for IIS/php/mySQL

Another thing to note is I would like the user to authenticate to change their own password. The product/service should not need a privileged account to run.

Thanks Keith

I don't know of any pre-built solutions, but you could pretty easily create a web page which shells out and executes 'adtool'.

See a nice overview here:

phpadadmin is just a wrapper for adLDAP.

Both of which require the php-ldap extension be installed.