How do I know the total time I used to run workflow in github action?

Each time I create a PR or make commits, I have some workflows running. But since I have a private repo and I get only 2000 min/month for running workflows on Github Actions, I wanted to track the time used. How do I know how much total time I used out of 2000 free min that Github provides?

Is there a place in Github UI that you see the total time you used/ total time remaining?

Solution 1:

Once you are logged in to GitHub, you can view the GitHub actions minutes usage for your account at under GitHub Actions as shown below

enter image description here

The above is documented in GitHub help too.

Solution 2:

The best you can get is the view in the main actions tab:

behold my picture editing skills

Sadly, no simple sum/month or anything like that was added as of yet.

The next best thing you could try is to whip up a script that collects these values from the page's dom for you.