dotnet core System.Text.Json unescape unicode string
Using JsonSerializer.Serialize(obj)
will produce an escaped string, but I want the unescaped version. For example:
using System;
using System.Text.Json;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var a = new A{Name = "你好"};
var s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(a);
class A {
public string Name {get; set;}
will produce a string {"Name":"\u4F60\u597D"}
but I want {"Name":"你好"}
I created a code snippet at
Please help me.
Solution 1:
You need to set the JsonSerializer options not to encode those strings.
JsonSerializerOptions jso = new JsonSerializerOptions();
jso.Encoder = System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping;
Then you pass this options when you call your Serialize
var s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(a, jso);
Full code:
JsonSerializerOptions jso = new JsonSerializerOptions();
jso.Encoder = System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping;
var a = new A { Name = "你好" };
var s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(a, jso);
If you need to print the result in the console, you may need to install additional language. Please refer here.
Solution 2:
To change the escaping behavior of the JsonSerializer
you can pass in a custom JavascriptEncoder
to the JsonSerializer
by setting the Encoder
property on the JsonSerializerOptions
The default behavior is designed with security in mind and the JsonSerializer
over-escapes for defense-in-depth.
If all you are looking for is escaping certain "alphanumeric" characters of a specific non-latin language, I would recommend that you instead create a JavascriptEncoder
using the Create
factory method rather than using the UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping
JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.BasicLatin, UnicodeRanges.CjkUnifiedIdeographs)
var a = new A { Name = "你好" };
var s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(a, options);
Doing so keeps certain safe-guards, for instance, HTML-sensitive characters will continue to be escaped.
I would caution against using System.Text.Encodings.Web.JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping
flippantly since it does minimal escaping (which is why it has "unsafe" in the name). If the JSON you are creating is written to a UTF-8 encoded file on disk or if its part of web request which explicitly sets the charset to utf-8 (and is not going to potentially be embedded within an HTML component as is), then it is probably OK to use this.
See the remarks section within the API docs:
You could also consider specifying UnicodeRanges.All
if you expect/need all languages to remain un-escaped. This still escapes certain ASCII characters that are prone to security vulnerabilities.
JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.All)
For more information and code samples, see:
See the Caution Note
Solution 3:
You can use: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(string)
to unescape the unicode characters.
Updating example from original question:
using System;
using System.Text.Json;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var a = new A{Name = "你好"};
var s = JsonSerializer.Serialize(a);
var unescaped = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(s);
class A {
public string Name {get; set;}
Solution 4:
JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.Create(UnicodeRanges.All)