weak sequential continuity of linear operators

Solution 1:

In my original answer I only mentioned that it works for $Y$ complete, but as Nate pointed out in a comment, I never actually used completeness of $Y$.

The answer is yes. Weakly convergent sequences in a normed space are bounded, as a consequence of the uniform boundedness principle applied to the dual space (which is a Banach space) and the fact that a convergent sequence of real (or complex) numbers is bounded. If $T$ is unbounded, then there is a sequence $x_1,x_2,\ldots$ in $X$ converging in norm (and hence weakly) to 0 such that $\|T(x_n)\|\to\infty$, so by the previous sentence this implies that $T(x_1),T(x_2),\ldots$ does not converge weakly.