USB device not working properly on a Thinkpad T60

Does the message keep coming up? Even after a reboot?

I would say check the event log (Start -> Right click My Computer -> Manage -> Event Viewer) and see if there's anything that looks suspicious. I've found to be helpful to track down errors in the event log.

EDIT: I would try reinstalling your drivers, starting with your chipset and video.

See this USB Troubleshooter and also USB Troubleshooting Guide for Windows XP. These articles might give some idea how to track down the problem.

You should also resolve all errors in the Event Log, by installing drivers (preferably from the manufacturer's site) or other.

I took my computer to my local tech. He updates the drivers. He said that it was because, although I am using a powered hub, I have so many devices hooked up that the power it supplies is inadequate. All still seems to be working but I still occasionally get the message.

Thanks all.