$\arctan$ of a square root as a rational multiple of $\pi$

Solution 1:

The answer is NO in general : the converse of your statement does not hold. For example, if $\tan(x)=\sqrt{2}$ then $2\cos(x)=\pm\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}$ which is algebraic but not an algebraic integer, so $x$ cannot be a rational multiple of $\pi$ (see the first answer to that related question for example).

If $\tan(x)=\sqrt{\frac{p}{q}}$ where $p$ and $q$ are coprime positive integers, you will have $2\cos(x)=\pm \sqrt{\frac{4q}{p+q}}$, and this will be an algebraic integer iff $p+q$ divides $4q$, iff $p+q$ divides $4$ (since $p+q$ is coprime to $q$), iff $p+q$ is one of $1,2$ or $4$, iff $(p,q)$ is one of $(1,1),(1,3)$ or $(3,1)$.

Solution 2:

The complete theory analogous to the one for rational tangents is worked out in

On Angles Whose Squared Trigonometric Functions are Rational
by John H. Conway, Charles Radin, Lorenzo Sadun