How to recover data from dead hard disk (with tic tic noise)?

The "tic tic tic" is most likely the actuator arm (or what controls it) has failed. The best and safest thing to do at this point is to send the drive to a hard drive recovery specialist. This is especially true if the data is truly as important as you say it is. There is no point in risking damaging the drive, and subsequently the data, even more using "tricks" that have been known (or not) to recover a hard drive.

While it does not always work I have had sucess placing the drive in a freezer for at least a few hours. Sometines a few days helps. Place the drive in a Ziplock type bag and remove as much air as possible. Place the bag and drive in a freezer and leave it for at least a few hours.

Remove the drive from the bag and get it in the server as quckly as possible and start the server.

It has sometimes worked after a few hours but it once took a couple of days, but I was able to recover data from several drives this way. Unfortunately, not always.

Then it is time to send to an expert drive recovery company.