mysql: get record count between two date-time

Solution 1:

May be with:

SELECT count(*) FROM `table` 
    created_at>='2011-03-17 06:42:10' and created_at<='2011-03-17 07:42:50';

or use between:

SELECT count(*) FROM `table` 
    created_at between '2011-03-17 06:42:10' and '2011-03-17 07:42:50';

You can change the datetime as per your need. May be use curdate() or now() to get the desired dates.

Solution 2:

select * from yourtable where created < now() and created > '2011-04-25 04:00:00'

Solution 3:

select * from yourtable 
   where created < now() 
     and created > concat(curdate(),' 4:30:00 AM') 

Solution 4:

for speed you can do this

WHERE date(created_at) ='2019-10-21'