Can "Started" be used as an adjective?

My started picture

Does it sound correct if I'm talking about a picture that I started drawing but haven't finished yet?

Can the word "started" be used as an adjective?

Solution 1:

Yes, the participle started can be used attributively but it is rare and requires the assistance of an adverb

  • My recently started landscape painting…

  • From this perspective, a recently started experiment by Black Mountain College in North California is intriguing

  • The newly started firm…

  • Of the number of participants who participated in the programme, an average of 75% started firms during the course of the programme, 3 years later, 75% of these newly started companies have survived.

  • A freshly started project

  • They carried her up the stairs in an old farmhouse, which smelled of a freshly started fire and baked bread

However, to express the idea of a drawing that was started but was not finished, I would suggest something along the lines of:

  • I've just started (drawing) a picture
  • I started this picture a week ago.
  • The picture I started is still unfinished / incomplete.