Using 100% of all cores with the multiprocessing module

Solution 1:

To use 100% of all cores, do not create and destroy new processes.

Create a few processes per core and link them with a pipeline.

At the OS-level, all pipelined processes run concurrently.

The less you write (and the more you delegate to the OS) the more likely you are to use as many resources as possible.

python | python | python | python ...

Will make maximal use of your CPU.

Solution 2:

You can use psutil to pin each process spawned by multiprocessing to a specific CPU:

import multiprocessing as mp
import psutil

def spawn():
    procs = list()
    n_cpus = psutil.cpu_count()
    for cpu in range(n_cpus):
        affinity = [cpu]
        d = dict(affinity=affinity)
        p = mp.Process(target=run_child, kwargs=d)
    for p in procs:

def run_child(affinity):
    proc = psutil.Process()  # get self pid
    print(f'PID: {}')
    aff = proc.cpu_affinity()
    print(f'Affinity before: {aff}')
    aff = proc.cpu_affinity()
    print(f'Affinity after: {aff}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Note: As commented, psutil.Process.cpu_affinity is not available on macOS.

Solution 3:

Minimum example in pure Python:

def f(x):
    while 1:
        # ---bonus: gradually use up RAM---
        x += 10000  # linear growth; use exponential for faster ending: x *= 1.01
        y = list(range(int(x))) 
        # ---------------------------------
        pass  # infinite loop, use up CPU

if __name__ == '__main__':  # name guard to avoid recursive fork on Windows
    import multiprocessing as mp
    n = mp.cpu_count() * 32  # multiply guard against counting only active cores
    with mp.Pool(n) as p:, range(n))

Usage: to warm up on a cold day (but feel free to change the loop to something less pointless.)

Warning: to exit, don't pull the plug or hold the power button, Ctrl-C instead.