How to install python application with tkcalendar module by pyinstaller?

The issue does not come from tkcalendar but from the fact that PyInstaller does not detect second level imports. A way to solve this issue is explained in tkcalendar's documentation in the HowTos section:

When bundling an application with PyInstaller, there is an issue with the detection of the babel dependency of tkcalendar. This can be fixed by using the --hidden-import option:

$ pyinstaller --hidden-import babel.numbers

or by editing the .spec file:


Add following code to your python script, while bundling with pyinstaller

import babel.numbers

If anyone found the same problem. In tkcalendar 1.5.0 there is problem with import in

Locate the tkcalendar folder (probably /.../python/Lib/site-packages/tkcalendar) and under add an additional import for the missing module:

import calendar
from babel.dates import format_date, parse_date, get_day_names, get_month_names
from babel.numbers import *  # Additional Import```