Is there a word to summarize Intro and Outro videos?
I want to use one word to call both type of videos, the introductory video, and the outro video.
In Spanish jargon sometimes I heard call it like "cortinillas", little window curtain.
Is there a similar word in English?
Solution 1:
"Bookend" is the closest thing I can think of.
- Your introductory and outro videos are bookends to your primary video.
- The main video is bookended by the introduction and outro videos.
- My main video is done. Now all I need to do is add the bookends and the project will be complete.
Solution 2:
Perhaps brackets
The brackets of the Bavarian version are more elaborated than those of the original. The opening bracket features a sequence of title images... The closing bracket features a farewell to the camera and a list of end credits. Nikolas Coupland; The Handbook of Language and Globalization
Often called credit music if it occurs at the end of the film, intro and outro music brackets the film. Peter Rothbart; The Synergy of Film and Music
One traditional method of editing connects shots into a sequence with straight cuts and then brackets the sequences themselves with fades and dissolves. S. Ascher and E. Pincus; The Filmmaker's Hanbook
The flashback hypothesis is strengthened by the presence of Tak's voiceover narration in the opening scene, which we may assume to bracket the 1963 scene as well as the futuristic action. Warren Buckland; Puzzle Films