Difference between "forementioned" and "aforementioned"? [closed]

I am writing a scientific article, and the reviewer has pointed out that I should check the typo "forementioned", which I use several times in the paper. I would like to know, is there any difference between "forementioned" and "aforementioned"? Should I use "aforementioned" instead?

Based on the Ngram, I would avoid formentioned. It's infrequently used today and it's not in some online and desk dictionaries I've checked. The Ngram nicely shows that two words began to diverge in frequency about 1850. I think that most readers, like your reviewer, will think you forgot the a.

foremention v.

To mention beforehand


forementioned adj.

Previously mentioned OED

Alternative form of aforementioned Wiktionary

aforementioned, adj. and n.

Previously mentioned, esp. in a text. OED

I think there's as much likelihood that Willy can be rehabilitated as there is that the forementioned people can be. Peg Tittle; Just...Think about it!

... including all the forementioned services relating to ... Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks

The forenamed accused, Antoinette, was brought from the forementioned prison personally into the presence of the foresaid Vice Inquisitor. P. G. Maxwell-Stuart; Witch Beliefs and Witch Trials in the Middle Ages