Is there a word for "a word or phrase whose lack of understanding by a reader does not stop his understanding the gist of the sentence it's used in"?

Solution 1:

You've cast the example as a noun, but there are some adjectives that do the job nicely. Some can function as noun or adjective:

  • peripheral (n or adj)
  • incidental (n or adj
  • irrelevance (n)
  • ancillary (adj)
  • inessential (adj)
  • inconsequential (adj)
  • secondary (adj)
  • expendable (adj)
  • distraction (n)

A few words that are not what you're looking for, but are close:

  • placeholder (Implies that the word has no intrinsic significance)
  • fluff (negative connotation implying that the word is better omitted)
  • MacGuffin (staying with the cinematic theme, a thing that is given more significance by the context than by its intrinsic qualities)