WPF chart controls [closed]

Solution 1:

Free tools supporting panning / zooming:

  • Live Charts
  • ScottPlot
  • DynamicDataDisplay - a nice, open source data visualization library. Unfortunately it's not been updated since April 30, 2009.
  • OxyPlot

Free tools without built in pan / zoom support:

  • WPF Toolkit. Supports most important 2D charts, you'll have to implement pan / zoom yourself.
  • WPF Toolkit Development Release. Supports stacked charts, equivalent to the Silverlight version.

Paid tools with built in pan / zoom support:

  • Visiblox Charts (Discontinued). Support for the most important 2D charts, comes with zooming and panning. The free version comes with watermark. (See this blog post on using zooming / panning)
  • SciChart WPF. Supports DirectX accelerated 2D & 3D charts, comes with zooming and panning, mouse-wheel with animation on zoom. (See this blog post on using zooming / panning across multiple charts)
  • Infragistics xamDataChart. Supports most important 2D charts, zooming and panning. See this blog article on how to use zooming.
  • Telerik RadChart. Supports lots of 2D charts, has some support for zooming and panning, you might need to do a little work on that.
  • Visifire. Supports lots of 2D charts and zooming without animation, might need to do some extra work for smoother zooming.(This service is no longer available)
  • DevExpress ChartControl. Supports most common 2D Series types, zooming and panning (scrolling) operations can be performed using the mouse, keyboard, and touch gestures.
  • Syncfusion SfChart. Supports many 2D series types and provides the interactive zooming feature that supports the touch mode. Various zoom types are supported (mouse wheel, pinch, selection).

Full Disclosure: I have been heavily involved in development of Visiblox, hence I know that library in much more detail than the others.

Solution 2:

Another one is OxyPlot, which is an open-source cross-platform (WPF, Silverlight, WinForms, Mono) .Net plotting library.