I cannot unite the Geth and Quarians, do I support Legion or Tali?

I started a new game in ME3 which means that I have already failed in the preconditions for uniting the Geth and Quarians.

Tali or Legion is going to die.

Should I support Tali or Legion from a war assets/other game considerations point of view?

Solution 1:

If you support the geth:

Both Tali and Legion will die.

If you support the quarians:

Only Legion dies.

Highest total possible war assets are provided below. Numbers will change based on different factors. Consult the wiki articles linked to get numbers based off your own choices.

Quarian war assets

  • Civilian fleet: 200 (base) + 50 (destroyed heretics) + 25 (rescued Admiral Koris) = 275
  • Heavy fleet: 200 (base) + 25 (supported Admiral Gerrel) + 50 (destroyed heretics) + 5 (Allers interview) = 280
  • Patrol fleet: 200 (base) + 50 (destroyed heretics) = 250
  • Admiral Daro'Xen: 25 = 25
  • Total war assets: 830

Geth war assets

  • Corps: 300 (base) + 5 (Allers Interview) = 305
  • Fleet: 300 (base) + 150 (rewrote heretics) + 5 (Allers interview) = 455
  • Prime platoon: 60 (base)
  • Total war assets: 820

Also consider that Tali will not be available for missions or to contribute her power to the medi-lab for you to use.