The months difference between dates using PowerShell

Solution 1:

I found no easy way to do this in PowerShell (as TimeSpan doesn't support month counting), hence I ended up with the following. Starting with the years of the two dates, take their difference and course correct if the start day hasn't passed in the current year. Then do the same with the months:

$StartDate = [DateTime]'2021-01-23'
$today = Get-Date
$daydiff = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartDate -End $today
$yeardiff = $today.year - $StartDate.year
If($yeardiff -gt 0 -And $StartDate.month -gt $today.month 
  -And $ -gt $ { 
    $yeardiff = $yeardiff -1 
$monthdiff = $today.month - $StartDate.month + ($yeardiff * 12)
If($ -gt $ { $monthdiff = $monthdiff -1 }
Write-Host "$($daydiff.days) days | $($monthdiff) months"

Simplest solution I could work out.