Proxy settings for TeamViewer10 in UBUNTU 14.04

Solution 1:

The best solution I found is to follow this steps :

  • Stop Teamviewer by sudo teamviewer --daemon stop
  • Add the following line :

    [int32] Proxy_Type = 2

    in Teamviewer config file at /etc/teamviewer/global.conf

  • Restart Teamviewer by sudo teamviewer --daemon start

It will force Teamviewer proxy settings to be on manual option by default, then the input will be writable. This way you don't have the AES salt problem.

Hope it will work for you.

Solution 2:

This may give you a clue to get it going - it didn't work for me, but you never know.

Teamviewer 10 has a config file at: /opt/teamviewer/config/global.conf

Based on the conf from a previous install, the format for putting the proxy config keypairs in that config file should be:

[bin  ] ProxyPasswordAES = b92c3b83c5e3c2b23520ff1d31e6687xxxx74bccfc96301bc1df3cd5c1babcd7eaf3a5ae3cfc990373d449184fab9b64
[strng] ProxyUsername = "user" 
[strng] Proxy_IP = "proxy1:3128" 
[int32] Proxy_Type = 2

The ProxyPasswordAES is a 97 character salt(?), I'm not sure how to generate this so I just reused the string from my teamviewer 8 conf. As I said, it didn't work :)

Maybe this will work for you if you're not using an authenticated proxy, or maybe someone with more knowledge than me on getting the password encryption working will respond.

Hope it helps anyway.