Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view

The two previous answers got it right - I don't use UITabBarController in Tweetie. It's pretty easy to write a custom XXTabBarController (plain subclass of UIViewController) that is happy to get pushed onto a nav controller stack, but still lives by the "view controller" philosophy. Each "tab" on the account-specific view (Tweets/Replies/Messages) is its own view controller, and as far as they are concerned they're getting swapped around on screen by a plain-ol UITabBarController.

I'm building an app that uses a similar navigation framework to Tweetie. I've written a post about how to do this on my blog which also links to the source code. It's a full template you could take and use as a basis for another project. Good luck!

It's possible to add a UITabBar to any UIViewController. That way you don't actually have to push a UITabBarController and therefore stay within the guidelines of the Apple API.

In interface builder UITabBar is under "Windows, Views & Bars" in the Cocoa Touch Library.