Word Wrap in JButtons

Solution 1:

This example uses Java's inbuilt CSS rendering abilities to to do the 'heavy lifting' of determining when to do a line break. It uses a JLabel, but the same principles apply to any component that will render HTML.


import javax.swing.*;

class FixedWidthText {

    public static void showLabel(int width, String units) {
        String content1 = "<html>"
                + "<body style='background-color: white; width: ";
        String content2 = "'>"
                + "<h1>Fixed Width</h1>"
                + "<p>Body width fixed at ";
        String content3
                = " using CSS.  "
                + "Java's HTML"
                + " support includes support"
                + " for basic CSS.</p>";
        final String content = content1 + width + units
                + content2 + width + units + content3;
        Runnable r = () -> {
            JLabel label = new JLabel(content);
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, label);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        showLabel(160, "px");
        showLabel(200, "px");
        showLabel(50, "%");

Screen shots


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enter image description here


enter image description here

Solution 2:

Use HTML...

button.setText("<html><center>"+"This is a"+"<br>"+"swing button"+"</center></html>");