Is there a word for when bizarre, incredible things become so common that you aren't fazed by them anymore? [closed]

How about blasé?

'Unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before. "she was becoming quite blasé about the dangers"

If the thing they got used to is something bad (especially morally or ethically, like violence or death, or something else they would previously have reacted negatively to), you could say they are desensitized to it:

having been made less likely to feel shock or distress at scenes of cruelty or suffering by overexposure to such images. people who view such movies become desensitized to violence

— Oxford Dictionary of English

Perhaps the word you're looking for is jaded

tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something

Being surrounded by amazing technology all the time would likely leave one jaded about new technical wonders.

If you "don't really see new, amazing things like teleportation out of the ordinary," these bizarre things become commonplace.

commonplace (adj.)

Commonly found or seen : ORDINARY, UNREMARKABLE m-w

If something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising. Collins

In the classic Star Trek television series teleportation was commonplace from the deck of the USS Enterprise. Daniel H. Wilson; Where's My Jetpack

With each new revelation, a media frenzy ensued, and consequently, even accounts of people meeting aliens became commonplace ... Gary Bates; Alien Intrusion

All I'm trying to say, captain, is that levitation was commonplace in Europe in the Middle Ages. In fact, it was so common that the Vatican ultimately decided not to count levitation as proof of a miracle when evaluating a holy person's candidacy for beatification and canonization." Thomas Quealy; Ordinary Magic

When happenings that were once strange become commonplace, people are unconcerned about them.

unconcerned (adj.)

Not anxious or upset: free of worry m-w

If a person is unconcerned about something, usually something that most people would care about, they are not interested in it or worried about it. Collins

You could say that you've become inured to these phenomena or events. Though inured more often means 'come to tolerate something unpleasant', it can also have the flavor of simply becoming used to something.