Beautiful Mathematical Images [closed]

My Maths department is re-branding itself, and we've been asked to find suitable images for the departmental sign. Do you have a favourite mathematical image that could be used for the background of an A1-sized sign?

Solution 1:

I produced the following images, which I personally like ;-)

A part of the Mandelbrot set:

A part of the Mandelbrot set

A projective curve in $\mathbb{P}^2$:

A projective curve in <span class=$\mathbb{P}^2$" />

Solution 2:

Penrose tiling, an example:

enter image description here

Or any basic first year theorems (or more advanced) theorems like MVT, Taylor, BW, cardinalities, ordinals etc, in nice fonts or even as sculpture.

Complex but symmetric 3D objects like the Wolframram Alpha star for example, see also George Hart.

Solution 3:

How about the Buddhabrot?

An example of the Buddhabrot

You can say something to the effect of "Find your path through Mathematics." :)

Solution 4:

I find these look very nice, however I am not certain how the process that generates the vectors works (perlin noise).

Perlin lines: generated through perlin noise

Solution 5:

enter image description here

The first six books of the elements of Euclid, in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters for the greater ease of learners (1847) by Oliver Bryne

If you arent lazy, making a replica of any diagrams in this book will look great for your department.