sshd tries reverse DNS lookups with UseDNS no

sshd seems to almost always try to perform a reverse DNS lookup on new connections. For hosts without a PTR entry this causes delays of 5 seconds per query. Sometimes it accepts the connection immediately, sometimes it tries to resolve once, sometimes twice. I observed this using tcpdump port 53 while trying to connect to the server. I have really no idea why it tries to lookup twice sometimes.

This seems to be a fairly frequent issue and the standard response is UseDNS no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. However, I already have this option set and sshd is still trying to perform these reverse lookups.

I found another suggestion here. I tried to add -u0 to /etc/default/ssh, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything.

I'm out of ideas at this point, any suggestion will be welcome.

Solution 1:

Nowadays the most frequent culprit is GSSAPI:

GSSAPIAuthentication no

The other three culprits for Linux platform have been mentioned in other answer:

  • add to sshd a command line option -u0
  • set UseDNS no
  • don't use from=hostname inside authorized_keys files

Solution 2:

Use DNS = no does not prevent sshd from performing DNS lookups, it prevents it from rejecting clients when PTR records don't match.

-u0 prevents sshd from logging DNS names in the utmp struct.

lookups might still happen depending one what a user has in their authorized_keys.

See this for a decent explanation: