Other ways of conveying the idea of building/making a snowman

It is conventional to impart the idea of creating a snowman with the verbs "to make" or "to build".

Would it be expedient to use for the same purpose verbs applicable to the volumetric objects from the sphere of art, such as:

  1. to sculpt/sculpture a snowman
  2. to mould a snowman
  3. to model a snowman
  4. to form a snowman
  5. to carve/chisel a snowman?

An artist might indeed use any of those techniques to create a snowman, but children only make them or build them.

To carve or chisel a snowman - and probably to sculpt one - you would need a block of ice, not just heaps of snow. To mould one I guess you'd need a mould.

We wouldn't use 'form' here, unless we were encountering a snowman for the first time: 'A man formed entirely from snow!'

We don't use model. Neither do we use create or construct, though Jacob Rees-Mogg may well say, "Look, children! Daddy's fashioned a snowman!"