Loop in R to read many files

Solution 1:

Sys.glob() is another possibility - it's sole purpose is globbing or wildcard expansion.

dataFiles <- lapply(Sys.glob("data*.csv"), read.csv)

That will read all the files of the form data[x].csv into list dataFiles, where [x] is nothing or anything.

[Note this is a different pattern to that in @Joshua's Answer. There, list.files() takes a regular expression, whereas Sys.glob() just uses standard wildcards; which wildcards can be used is system dependent, details can be used can be found on the help page ?Sys.glob.]

Solution 2:

See ?list.files.

myFiles <- list.files(pattern="data.*csv")

Then you can loop over myFiles.

Solution 3:

I would put all the CSV files in a directory, create a list and do a loop to read all the csv files from the directory in the list.

ldf <- list() # creates a list
listcsv <- dir(pattern = "*.csv") # creates the list of all the csv files in the directory
for (k in 1:length(listcsv)){
 ldf[[k]] <- read.csv(listcsv[k])