Iterate over children, find last element

renderChildren = () => {
  const { children, divider } = this.props;
  return (, (child, index) => (
        {(index < children.length - 1) && divider}


const children: React.ReactNode Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'.ts(2533)

Is out of scope of this answer, but to handle this scenario

renderChildren = () => {
  const { children, divider } = this.props;
  if (children) { // this fixes error above
    return (, (child, index) => (
          {(index < children.length - 1) && divider}
  return null

That error comes because you defined your prop as children?: ReactNode, because it's optional TypeScript secures you from undefined values

You could use index and check if it equals to the length of the children array:

renderChildren = () => {
  const { children, divider } = this.props;
  return (, (child, index) => (
        {index !== children.length-1 && divider}