URL Encoding using C#

I have an application which sends a POST request to the VB forum software and logs someone in (without setting cookies or anything).

Once the user is logged in I create a variable that creates a path on their local machine.


The problem is that some usernames are throwing "Illegal chars" exception. For example if my username was mas|fenix it would throw an exception..

Path.Combine( _      
  Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData), _
  DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyhhmm") + "-" + form1.username)

I don't want to remove it from the string, but a folder with their username is created through FTP on a server. And this leads to my second question. If I am creating a folder on the server can I leave the "illegal chars" in? I only ask this because the server is Linux based, and I am not sure if Linux accepts it or not.

EDIT: It seems that URL encode is NOT what I want.. Here's what I want to do:

old username = mas|fenix
new username = mas%xxfenix

Where %xx is the ASCII value or any other value that would easily identify the character.

I've been experimenting with the various methods .NET provide for URL encoding. Perhaps the following table will be useful (as output from a test app I wrote):

Unencoded UrlEncoded UrlEncodedUnicode UrlPathEncoded EscapedDataString EscapedUriString HtmlEncoded HtmlAttributeEncoded HexEscaped
A         A          A                 A              A                 A                A           A                    %41
B         B          B                 B              B                 B                B           B                    %42

a         a          a                 a              a                 a                a           a                    %61
b         b          b                 b              b                 b                b           b                    %62

0         0          0                 0              0                 0                0           0                    %30
1         1          1                 1              1                 1                1           1                    %31

[space]   +          +                 %20            %20               %20              [space]     [space]              %20
!         !          !                 !              !                 !                !           !                    %21
"         %22        %22               "              %22               %22              "      "               %22
#         %23        %23               #              %23               #                #           #                    %23
$         %24        %24               $              %24               $                $           $                    %24
%         %25        %25               %              %25               %25              %           %                    %25
&         %26        %26               &              %26               &                &       &                %26
'         %27        %27               '              '                 '                '       '                %27
(         (          (                 (              (                 (                (           (                    %28
)         )          )                 )              )                 )                )           )                    %29
*         *          *                 *              %2A               *                *           *                    %2A
+         %2b        %2b               +              %2B               +                +           +                    %2B
,         %2c        %2c               ,              %2C               ,                ,           ,                    %2C
-         -          -                 -              -                 -                -           -                    %2D
.         .          .                 .              .                 .                .           .                    %2E
/         %2f        %2f               /              %2F               /                /           /                    %2F
:         %3a        %3a               :              %3A               :                :           :                    %3A
;         %3b        %3b               ;              %3B               ;                ;           ;                    %3B
<         %3c        %3c               <              %3C               %3C              &lt;        &lt;                 %3C
=         %3d        %3d               =              %3D               =                =           =                    %3D
>         %3e        %3e               >              %3E               %3E              &gt;        >                    %3E
?         %3f        %3f               ?              %3F               ?                ?           ?                    %3F
@         %40        %40               @              %40               @                @           @                    %40
[         %5b        %5b               [              %5B               %5B              [           [                    %5B
\         %5c        %5c               \              %5C               %5C              \           \                    %5C
]         %5d        %5d               ]              %5D               %5D              ]           ]                    %5D
^         %5e        %5e               ^              %5E               %5E              ^           ^                    %5E
_         _          _                 _              _                 _                _           _                    %5F
`         %60        %60               `              %60               %60              `           `                    %60
{         %7b        %7b               {              %7B               %7B              {           {                    %7B
|         %7c        %7c               |              %7C               %7C              |           |                    %7C
}         %7d        %7d               }              %7D               %7D              }           }                    %7D
~         %7e        %7e               ~              ~                 ~                ~           ~                    %7E

Ā         %c4%80     %u0100            %c4%80         %C4%80            %C4%80           Ā           Ā                    [OoR]
ā         %c4%81     %u0101            %c4%81         %C4%81            %C4%81           ā           ā                    [OoR]
Ē         %c4%92     %u0112            %c4%92         %C4%92            %C4%92           Ē           Ē                    [OoR]
ē         %c4%93     %u0113            %c4%93         %C4%93            %C4%93           ē           ē                    [OoR]
Ī         %c4%aa     %u012a            %c4%aa         %C4%AA            %C4%AA           Ī           Ī                    [OoR]
ī         %c4%ab     %u012b            %c4%ab         %C4%AB            %C4%AB           ī           ī                    [OoR]
Ō         %c5%8c     %u014c            %c5%8c         %C5%8C            %C5%8C           Ō           Ō                    [OoR]
ō         %c5%8d     %u014d            %c5%8d         %C5%8D            %C5%8D           ō           ō                    [OoR]
Ū         %c5%aa     %u016a            %c5%aa         %C5%AA            %C5%AA           Ū           Ū                    [OoR]
ū         %c5%ab     %u016b            %c5%ab         %C5%AB            %C5%AB           ū           ū                    [OoR]

The columns represent encodings as follows:

  • UrlEncoded: HttpUtility.UrlEncode

  • UrlEncodedUnicode: HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode

  • UrlPathEncoded: HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode

  • EscapedDataString: Uri.EscapeDataString

  • EscapedUriString: Uri.EscapeUriString

  • HtmlEncoded: HttpUtility.HtmlEncode

  • HtmlAttributeEncoded: HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode

  • HexEscaped: Uri.HexEscape


  1. HexEscape can only handle the first 255 characters. Therefore it throws an ArgumentOutOfRange exception for the Latin A-Extended characters (eg Ā).

  2. This table was generated in .NET 4.0 (see Levi Botelho's comment below that says the encoding in .NET 4.5 is slightly different).


I've added a second table with the encodings for .NET 4.5. See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21771206/216440


Since people seem to appreciate these tables, I thought you might like the source code that generates the table, so you can play around yourselves. It's a simple C# console application, which can target either .NET 4.0 or 4.5:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
// Need to add a Reference to the System.Web assembly.
using System.Web;

namespace UriEncodingDEMO2
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");

        public static void EncodeStrings()
            string stringToEncode = "ABCD" + "abcd"
            + "0123" + " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" + "ĀāĒēĪīŌōŪū";

            // Need to set the console encoding to display non-ASCII characters correctly (eg the 
            //  Latin A-Extended characters such as ĀāĒē...).
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            // Will also need to set the console font (in the console Properties dialog) to a font 
            //  that displays the extended character set correctly.
            // The following fonts all display the extended characters correctly:
            //  Consolas
            //  DejaVu Sana Mono
            //  Lucida Console

            // Also, in the console Properties, set the Screen Buffer Size and the Window Size 
            //  Width properties to at least 140 characters, to display the full width of the 
            //  table that is generated.

            Dictionary<string, Func<string, string>> columnDetails =
                new Dictionary<string, Func<string, string>>();
            columnDetails.Add("Unencoded", (unencodedString => unencodedString));
                (unencodedString => HttpUtility.UrlEncode(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => Uri.EscapeDataString(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => Uri.EscapeUriString(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(unencodedString)));
                (unencodedString => HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(unencodedString)));
                        // Uri.HexEscape can only handle the first 255 characters so for the 
                        //  Latin A-Extended characters, such as A, it will throw an 
                        //  ArgumentOutOfRange exception.                       
                            return Uri.HexEscape(unencodedString.ToCharArray()[0]);
                            return "[OoR]";

            char[] charactersToEncode = stringToEncode.ToCharArray();
            string[] stringCharactersToEncode = Array.ConvertAll<char, string>(charactersToEncode,
                (character => character.ToString()));
            DisplayCharacterTable<string>(stringCharactersToEncode, columnDetails);

        private static void DisplayCharacterTable<TUnencoded>(TUnencoded[] unencodedArray,
            Dictionary<string, Func<TUnencoded, string>> mappings)
            foreach (string key in mappings.Keys)
                Console.Write(key.Replace(" ", "[space]") + " ");

            foreach (TUnencoded unencodedObject in unencodedArray)
                string stringCharToEncode = unencodedObject.ToString();
                foreach (string columnHeader in mappings.Keys)
                    int columnWidth = columnHeader.Length + 1;
                    Func<TUnencoded, string> encoder = mappings[columnHeader];
                    string encodedString = encoder(unencodedObject);

                    // ASSUMPTION: Column header will always be wider than encoded string.
                    Console.Write(encodedString.Replace(" ", "[space]").PadRight(columnWidth));

Click here to run code on dotnetfiddle.net

You should encode only the user name or other part of the URL that could be invalid. URL encoding a URL can lead to problems since something like this:

string url = HttpUtility.UrlEncode("http://www.google.com/search?q=Example");

Will yield


This is obviously not going to work well. Instead, you should encode ONLY the value of the key/value pair in the query string, like this:

string url = "http://www.google.com/search?q=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Example");

Hopefully that helps. Also, as teedyay mentioned, you'll still need to make sure illegal file-name characters are removed or else the file system won't like the path.

Better way is to use


to not reference Full Profile of .net 4.

Edit: Note that this answer is now out of date. See Siarhei Kuchuk's answer below for a better fix

UrlEncoding will do what you are suggesting here. With C#, you simply use HttpUtility, as mentioned.

You can also Regex the illegal characters and then replace, but this gets far more complex, as you will have to have some form of state machine (switch ... case, for example) to replace with the correct characters. Since UrlEncode does this up front, it is rather easy.

As for Linux versus windows, there are some characters that are acceptable in Linux that are not in Windows, but I would not worry about that, as the folder name can be returned by decoding the Url string, using UrlDecode, so you can round trip the changes.

Since .NET Framework 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.0 you should use WebUtility.UrlEncode. Advantages over alternatives:

  1. It is part of .NET Framework 4.5+, .NET Core 1.0+, .NET Standard 1.0+, UWP 10.0+ and all Xamarin platforms as well. HttpUtility, while being available in .NET Framework earlier (.NET Framework 1.1+), becomes available on other platforms much later (.NET Core 2.0+, .NET Standard 2.0+) and it still unavailable in UWP (see related question).

  2. In .NET Framework, it resides in System.dll, so it does not require any additional references, unlike HttpUtility.

  3. It properly escapes characters for URLs, unlike Uri.EscapeUriString (see comments to drweb86's answer).

  4. It does not have any limits on the length of the string, unlike Uri.EscapeDataString (see related question), so it can be used for POST requests, for example.