What's a phrase for abstract / eloquent / euphemistic prose?

I'm looking for a phrase like "transcendental language", but meaning eloquent rather than other-worldly.

In particular, I want to refer to a [literary] sketch as "_ language". This sketch is A Gotham Reverie by Fanny Fern, in which a prostitute is referred to [revealed as a prostitute] in very abstract terms, such as "her name was Magdalen" (I'm paraphrasing), "her own unrelenting, unforgiving sex", etc.

Consider also "figurative" in addition to your euphemistic, since euphemistic implies that the words you're avoiding using are somehow taboo or unpleasant, while figurative can imply flowery language in general.

Refined may serve, with senses including "Showing or having good feelings or good taste. An absence of coarseness. Not vulgar."

Being refined often is an aspect of high-flown language, that is, language "pretentiously eloquent; highly figurative" or "lofty, extravagant, refined".

If the writing or your review have elements of irony, consider terms arch, "knowing, clever, mischievous", and precious, "treated with too much reverence" or "contrived to be cute or charming", and synonyms of the latter including twee, "overly quaint, dainty, cute or nice" and saccharine, "sentimental or romantic to the point of ridiculousness".