Concise Word/Concept for: "Deceiving with a GOOD reason, to hide their REAL reason" [duplicate]

Is there a concept/technical word in law, politics, psychology, literature (e.g. George Orwell), signalling theory etc for the following deceptive technique, process or phenomena:

The act of avowing that something is motivated by:

A good reason

But it is actually for a:

Hidden, less noble, reason

The deception functions this way: the avowed reason acts as a cover-story for the true-but-concealed reason.

I’ll give a political-revolutionary example:

Avowed: We are doing this for the people

Real: We are doing this to establish a dictatorship

And a political commentator could say:


The revolutionaries are using _________ {NAME OF DECEPTIVE TECHNIQUE, PROCESS OR PHENOMENA}

Here are a bunch of examples of other psychological methods that would fit the empty slots:

  • The revolutionaries are Love bombing
  • The revolutionaries are Nudging
  • The revolutionaries are Low-balling
  • The revolutionaries are Fearmongering
  • The revolutionaries are Baiting-and-switching
  • The revolutionaries are Gaslighting
  • The revolutionaries are Virtue-signalling

  • The revolutionaries are using Doublethink
  • The revolutionaries are using Grey Propoganda
  • The revolutionaries are using Bribery
  • The revolutionaries are using Ingratiation
  • The revolutionaries are using Superficial sympathy
  • The revolutionaries are using Character assassination
  • The revolutionaries are using Emotional blackmail
  • The revolutionaries are using Intimidation
  • The revolutionaries are using Nit-picking criticism

I'm trying to avoid nouns that require an article prefixed, e.g.

  • The revolutionaries are using a gambit
  • The revolutionaries are using a ruse
  • The revolutionaries are using a pretext
  • The revolutionaries are using a trojan horse
  • The revolutionaries are using a trick

Ideally, I am looking for:

  • a verb ,or

  • a noun (that doesn't require an article)

The word (if there is one) might resemble the form of some of these "Ericism":


My question is not this: What is another word for a reason that is "not the real reason"?

I think a concise word/concept to express this specific kind of two-sided deception would be very useful!

Thanks for reading

I wonder why you rejected pretext. I can't think of anything that better maps to your description.


A reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
Source: Lexico — pretext

Here are some examples given:

‘the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move’

‘The buzz is that the political agenda of the Minister's visit was merely a pretext.’

‘If not, we are again using a pretext to cover intervention that is really motivated by another purpose altogether.’

‘Of course, there are always good pretexts to postpone political reform.’

‘He has often sought to justify repression on the pretexts of threatened coups against his government.’

‘Any sign of opposition, real or imagined, was the pretext for a massive retaliation.’

‘We're the ones who unquestioningly march behind bullies into other countries on fictitious pretexts.’

‘But it has become increasingly clear to them that the pretexts for the war were false.’ .

Have a look at pretext's synonym smoke screen (and its synonyms) for more ideas.