What's the meaning of "ten-count'em-ten"?

That word is seen at http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/084.htm. I really can't find it in the dictionary.

Next, replace(): Truth be told, the ten-count'em-ten replace() members are less interesting than they are tedious and exhausting.

The source text is a description of a program and its design characteristics. The functions include insert(), append(), replace() and erase() and others.

The text makes light of the fact that there is so much use of replace(). An old hawker's sales patter might include such encouragement about the quantity of the deal with the phrase, "You get ten, count 'em, ten, for this ridiculously low price." In this text he is over using this tired trope starting with "six, count 'em, six" and moving through eight and finally ten. I've counted enough.