How to fix 431 Request Header Fields Too Large in React-Redux app

I had faced the same issue in my Angular Application. After spending a lot of time, I had found out that the issue is related with Node JS. We were using Node JS v12.x.x, and in this version, max-http-header-size reduced to 8KB from 80KB. And the auth token which I had was of around 10KB. That's why, when I reload the app, browser starts giving '431 request header fields too large' error for some of the files. I had updated the Node JS v14.x.x and it starts working again because in v14.0.0, max-http-header-size has been increased to 16KB.

Hope it will be helpful.

I had similar problems with just using localhost(not limited to redux). Maybe this might help.
Put this into url: chrome://settings/?search=cache
Click on Clear Browsing data.
Tick cookies and other site data (Important since cookies is in HTTP header) TIck cached images and files (might be optional)